Marushka Mikhailovna Tziroulnikova
Psychic, spiritual medium and Siberian Black Shaman, I was born in 1969 in French-speaking Belgium. My innate abilities to connect with the invisible frightened my parents and the subject was clearly taboo. Without any help or support from my family, I left home at 19 to do my own research in psychology, genealogy, but also in ethnology (among others), to understand if my faculties could be related to some of my origins.
I then met various healers, rebouteux, druids and shamans from different backgrounds (Brittany, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, United States, Tuva, Nepal, Mali, New Zealand) who all recognized my abilities as a medium, healer and shaman. I then explored the shamanic path more deeply and received several initiations. It was when I reconnected with my Siberian roots that I vibrated in unison with this tradition. I then pursued that path and pursued it again. My learning is linked to my practice and then to my research, which began at a young age, more than 45 years ago. Today, given the results observed and obtained on people receiving care, I continue to refine the support I provide.
As a Black Shaman, I possess the healing power as well as the power to free beings from curses and other evil spells. I am a Shadow Seeker and Hunter, I practice "exorcism" and when I shamanise, I receive and channel messages and then act concretely by guiding energies. At first, then, I am like a mirror that sends back to you all that lurks in you, that you may ignore or deny, and that needs to be brought to light in order to heal. The next moment, I accompany you and support you in your own healing process.
Naturally intuitive and instinctive, I am always at the crossroads of various realities and modified states of consciousness are my first nature. Curious and touching everything, I have always been passionate, besides shamanism, for metaphysics, philosophy, symbolism and occultism. I studied psychology, psychoanalysis and differential clinical psychopathology then I became interested in the techniques of mental manipulation of the New Age, I then followed and obtained the certification of Master Practitioner in N.L.P., a technique that has definitely opened my eyes to the drifts of the spirituality business.
I self-taught discovered and practice as an art of living various esoteric and energetic techniques such as spiritual alchemy, evocative and invocative magic, prāṇāyāma, magnetism, lithotherapy, Tarot, astrology, fasting, hygiene...
I have also been a caregiver of dependent elderly people with conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and senile dementia. In continuity of care, I naturally turned to the accompaniment of adults end of life.
I welcomed and accompanied in private consultations children with autism spectrum disorder, young adults with personality disorders and pathologies such as schizophrenia, bipolarity and depression, adults in search of meaning and couples wishing to emerge from crisis situations.
The workshops I propose do not lead to a certification of shaman or even shamanic practitioner, because the path of shamanism is not mastered in a weekend and the Spirits are the only able to chose a shaman. These workshops are simply an opportunity to introduce a form of shamanism to people who are interested in the subject. Collective healing drum circles are, as their name suggests, a care that allows people to move on their own path (whatever it is) and at their own pace, while discovering a little of my practice which is not related to teaching. Considering training as a dogma and respecting the unique vision and experience of each, I therefore train no one to shamanism. I simply pass on my experience and knowledge to whomever wishes it, while being fully aware that neither I nor anyone else possesses the absolute truth and that we are all both students and teachers for each other.
In November 2011, I made the decision to leave everything and go alone to meet a shaman in the Amazon forest. No more housing, no more work and with an empty bank account, I went so far as to sell my car to collect the necessary amount to pay for my trip. At the beginning of February 2012, I flew to Ecuador. Six years later, I recounted my journey in a book: Les femmes qui se comportent bien marquent rarement l'histoire (Well behaved women rarely make history). Other titles followed (in French), I invite you to discover them HERE.
I then met various healers, rebouteux, druids and shamans from different backgrounds (Brittany, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, United States, Tuva, Nepal, Mali, New Zealand) who all recognized my abilities as a medium, healer and shaman. I then explored the shamanic path more deeply and received several initiations. It was when I reconnected with my Siberian roots that I vibrated in unison with this tradition. I then pursued that path and pursued it again. My learning is linked to my practice and then to my research, which began at a young age, more than 45 years ago. Today, given the results observed and obtained on people receiving care, I continue to refine the support I provide.
As a Black Shaman, I possess the healing power as well as the power to free beings from curses and other evil spells. I am a Shadow Seeker and Hunter, I practice "exorcism" and when I shamanise, I receive and channel messages and then act concretely by guiding energies. At first, then, I am like a mirror that sends back to you all that lurks in you, that you may ignore or deny, and that needs to be brought to light in order to heal. The next moment, I accompany you and support you in your own healing process.
Naturally intuitive and instinctive, I am always at the crossroads of various realities and modified states of consciousness are my first nature. Curious and touching everything, I have always been passionate, besides shamanism, for metaphysics, philosophy, symbolism and occultism. I studied psychology, psychoanalysis and differential clinical psychopathology then I became interested in the techniques of mental manipulation of the New Age, I then followed and obtained the certification of Master Practitioner in N.L.P., a technique that has definitely opened my eyes to the drifts of the spirituality business.
I self-taught discovered and practice as an art of living various esoteric and energetic techniques such as spiritual alchemy, evocative and invocative magic, prāṇāyāma, magnetism, lithotherapy, Tarot, astrology, fasting, hygiene...
I have also been a caregiver of dependent elderly people with conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and senile dementia. In continuity of care, I naturally turned to the accompaniment of adults end of life.
I welcomed and accompanied in private consultations children with autism spectrum disorder, young adults with personality disorders and pathologies such as schizophrenia, bipolarity and depression, adults in search of meaning and couples wishing to emerge from crisis situations.
The workshops I propose do not lead to a certification of shaman or even shamanic practitioner, because the path of shamanism is not mastered in a weekend and the Spirits are the only able to chose a shaman. These workshops are simply an opportunity to introduce a form of shamanism to people who are interested in the subject. Collective healing drum circles are, as their name suggests, a care that allows people to move on their own path (whatever it is) and at their own pace, while discovering a little of my practice which is not related to teaching. Considering training as a dogma and respecting the unique vision and experience of each, I therefore train no one to shamanism. I simply pass on my experience and knowledge to whomever wishes it, while being fully aware that neither I nor anyone else possesses the absolute truth and that we are all both students and teachers for each other.
In November 2011, I made the decision to leave everything and go alone to meet a shaman in the Amazon forest. No more housing, no more work and with an empty bank account, I went so far as to sell my car to collect the necessary amount to pay for my trip. At the beginning of February 2012, I flew to Ecuador. Six years later, I recounted my journey in a book: Les femmes qui se comportent bien marquent rarement l'histoire (Well behaved women rarely make history). Other titles followed (in French), I invite you to discover them HERE.