On a social network group, somebody asks:
"An entity has taken up residence in my bedroom, it bothers me, what can I do?" Several people respond, myself included, and my intervention raises other questions in someone: "It must be weird. But suddenly this person is all alone? Because if she had passed, she would be with the other souls, right? I allow myself to ask you these questions because it's all new for me and I would like someone to explain it to me a little bit. I cannot imagine how a soul is characterized, is the person as before but without the physical body or in another form, does she think like us? And where are all the souls, are they wandering all around us or in another world? I lost my aunt recently and I have a lot of questions....THANK YOU" Here is my response to that person: "First of all, when talking about soul and in order to understand each other, it is necessary to define the word. Soul is the life principle composed of the psycho-emotional reality of a living being. The soul is therefore considered to be the invisible part while the physical body is the visible part of the being. According to this definition, animals are as much possessors of a soul as humans. On the other hand, in shamanism, we consider that everything has a soul, plants and minerals included, the planet Earth, the star Sun, etc. But here the word soul is only understood in the sense of the life principle outside of any psycho-emotional reality. Everything materialized is composed of atoms and functions according to the same principle and the same physical laws, therefore, everything is animated by an energy or life principle or soul. In the case of a deceased, the soul is therefore only one of the many stages through which the energy of the person is transformed and in this case, the soul, as said above, is the carrier of all the psycho-emotional reality of the individual, but a psycho-emotional reality of which the individual is no longer aware. The soul is therefore the carrier of the karmic baggage, which is the sum of all the conscious and unconscious actions that have inevitably had an impact in the psycho-emotional sphere. Some souls therefore remain stuck in what is called a parallel reality or parallel dimension. These stuck souls are often stuck following a brutal accidental death, but also by unconscious choice of the individual who considers that he has not finished his earthly journey. These souls wander in what is called limbo or between-two-worlds. Many of these souls seek the “exit door” often named Light. This "exit door" is the next step through which the soul follows its journey to live other experiences either embodied or non-embodied. The soul as a life principle or energy has no particular shape, colors or characteristics. It is the brain of the person who "sees" a soul that will perceive it in such a way according to the referential of the person who sees. Some therefore see souls and can describe the deceased as they were because these people are naturally sensitive to visual perception, but also because the soul, loaded with its psycho-emotional baggage, will present itself in such a form rather than another according precisely to the emotional charge which will have been greater at a moment T of his earthly existence. The subject is really vast and I hope I have been understandable in my remarks. My condolences for your aunt.
Magic Making
Since Immemorial Times ARCHIVES
May 2022