The Moon is full in the sign of Taurus while in Scorpio, opposite, are the Sun, Mercury and Mars. The Moon is full and doubles with an almost total eclipse. Translation: profound inner transformation for a new beginning. As we know, in order for our external reality to be transformed, it is first necessary to change our inner gaze on it.
Period blessed with dynamic introspection, the trio in Scorpion allows everyone to see even more clearly what is played at the personal level as well as the collective one. Everyone will see more or less deeply clear depending on the evolution step in which it is. This Full Moon also marks the start of a eclipses cycle that will end in two years. The symbolism of the eclipse refers to the past, to memories, to what had previously hindered progress and from which it becomes useful to strip oneself in order to go ever more towards oneself, in respect of the values that animate us. A Full Moon in Taurus that promises to be powerful all the more as it is amplified by a trigon to Pluto and a square to Jupiter. Translation: it is our values, our sense of security and our material concerns that are concerned and, coupled with an eclipse, this Full Moon invites us to reflect on the indispensable changes that we would be well inspired to make, personally, to feel more secure in the ever-changing world: do the decisions we make reflect and honour the highest self that we embody? Exit therefore all that no longer serves us in order to welcome the new - or even for the novelty - and because the Full Moon is in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus, the great household concerns more precisely relations and our capacity to love, money and material possessions, self-esteem and respect for our inner truth. I wish us courage, inner strength and faith in us in order to cross in the most serene and constructive way the earthquake that is shaking all of Humanity and the foundations on which our societies were built.
There is often confusion in the use of these three words, so I am trying today to help you understand them more clearly.
The term paganism comes from the word pagan itself derived from the Latin paganus which could be translated as rustic, crude, from the countryside, the village. It is a millenary concept that today designates all the practices called magical, polytheistic, shamanic. They are often very old forms of religion (to be understood here in the sense of linking, reliance) not submitting to any dogma and having no connection with one of the monotheistic religions that appeared much later: Christianity, Judaism, Islam. Wicca is a religion based on the neo-paganism movement, largely democratized by Gerald Gardner in the 1940s. Neo-paganism is itself a precursor of the New Age movement which will appear in the late 1960s. Wicca recognizes the ability of each person to experience the divine by himself, without having to go through an intermediary such as the priest, rabbi or imam. But Wicca being a religion, it has a dogma or fundamental rules whose main one is: "If you do not harm anyone, do what you want". It is important to understand that Wicca wants to be exclusively beneficial and that it reminds the followers who would have the desire to deviate from this first rule, that they will be punished by the law of triple return. A Wiccan ceremony often includes songs, dances, stories, rituals, offerings, prayers, meditations, food and drink sharing. Note however that the Wiccans do not necessarily practice the noble art of Magic. Witchcraft encompasses all forms of magic and occult practices. Thus, while Wicca wants to be exclusively positive and even if witchcraft is often used for healing purposes, it must be remembered that it can also harm and destroy. Practicing without limits and systematically using magic art, witchcraft is not a religion because it obeys no dogma. The only rules followed in witchcraft are those dictated by natural laws. Indeed, by using the energies of nature with good intelligence, sorcerers and witches are able to influence these energies and act remotely to alter reality. In conclusion, a sorcerer is a pagan, but not all pagans are sorcerers. A Wiccan is only a pagan if he also practices witchcraft, but all the pagans are not Wiccans. With this New Moon in Scorpio and knowing that Pluto, master of the sign, continues to shake the old structures, we are all led to show courage, because a serious questioning of our values, beliefs and behaviours challenge us to finally be honest with ourselves. With this New Moon in Scorpio, introspection is essential, it is a help to know ourself better and evolution will only be at the cost of this radical questioning.
With Scorpio, we are talking about transformation, transmutation, metamorphosis. A rebirth is possible. A rebirth that would lead us to more self-love and respect for what animates us. But to get something, you always have to let go of something else. What was previously acceptable – or at least tolerated – has now come to an end and is definitely no longer appropriate. It can be our gaze on the outside world, our relationship to money, our attachment to material goods, our way of communicating with the surroundings, our home, our couple, our professional work. It is time to stop dithering. No need to cling to the past, evolution is at work, those who still hesitate to take the decisive step to provoke themselves the change can expect a sudden external event that will put them at the foot of the wall and leave them no choice but to tackle the concretization of what animates them from their depths. Maybe it’s time to move, leave a job, get divorced, stop sacrificing so much for our family… So yes, it can be scary, because yes, we don’t know what tomorrow will be if we take the risk of closing the door on the known. But wouldn’t the brakes we put on simply be an excuse for us not to act? We think there are new obstacles between us and our destiny, but these obstacles have always been there and we either see them now or finally accept to face them. Today, therefore, in addition to seeing things clearly, we have the strength and the opportunity to face these obstacles. If these seem insurmountable to us, let us remember that only our internal positioning is responsible for what we create and attract. Those who desire to live, be and do otherwise, those who see clearly in themselves, those who feel motivated to manifest in their daily lives the reality with which they vibrate, these go one step at a time beyond the fears that limit them and begin to implement small actions consistent with what drives them. Heaven helps us all to overcome any obstacles. If we make the choice, if we believe in ourselves, if we persevere, we will obtain, when the time comes, the freedom of Being. |
Magic Making
Since Immemorial Times ARCHIVES
May 2022