The Moon is full in the sign of Taurus while in Scorpio, opposite, are the Sun, Mercury and Mars. The Moon is full and doubles with an almost total eclipse. Translation: profound inner transformation for a new beginning. As we know, in order for our external reality to be transformed, it is first necessary to change our inner gaze on it.
Period blessed with dynamic introspection, the trio in Scorpion allows everyone to see even more clearly what is played at the personal level as well as the collective one. Everyone will see more or less deeply clear depending on the evolution step in which it is. This Full Moon also marks the start of a eclipses cycle that will end in two years. The symbolism of the eclipse refers to the past, to memories, to what had previously hindered progress and from which it becomes useful to strip oneself in order to go ever more towards oneself, in respect of the values that animate us. A Full Moon in Taurus that promises to be powerful all the more as it is amplified by a trigon to Pluto and a square to Jupiter. Translation: it is our values, our sense of security and our material concerns that are concerned and, coupled with an eclipse, this Full Moon invites us to reflect on the indispensable changes that we would be well inspired to make, personally, to feel more secure in the ever-changing world: do the decisions we make reflect and honour the highest self that we embody? Exit therefore all that no longer serves us in order to welcome the new - or even for the novelty - and because the Full Moon is in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus, the great household concerns more precisely relations and our capacity to love, money and material possessions, self-esteem and respect for our inner truth. I wish us courage, inner strength and faith in us in order to cross in the most serene and constructive way the earthquake that is shaking all of Humanity and the foundations on which our societies were built.
With this New Moon in Scorpio and knowing that Pluto, master of the sign, continues to shake the old structures, we are all led to show courage, because a serious questioning of our values, beliefs and behaviours challenge us to finally be honest with ourselves. With this New Moon in Scorpio, introspection is essential, it is a help to know ourself better and evolution will only be at the cost of this radical questioning.
With Scorpio, we are talking about transformation, transmutation, metamorphosis. A rebirth is possible. A rebirth that would lead us to more self-love and respect for what animates us. But to get something, you always have to let go of something else. What was previously acceptable – or at least tolerated – has now come to an end and is definitely no longer appropriate. It can be our gaze on the outside world, our relationship to money, our attachment to material goods, our way of communicating with the surroundings, our home, our couple, our professional work. It is time to stop dithering. No need to cling to the past, evolution is at work, those who still hesitate to take the decisive step to provoke themselves the change can expect a sudden external event that will put them at the foot of the wall and leave them no choice but to tackle the concretization of what animates them from their depths. Maybe it’s time to move, leave a job, get divorced, stop sacrificing so much for our family… So yes, it can be scary, because yes, we don’t know what tomorrow will be if we take the risk of closing the door on the known. But wouldn’t the brakes we put on simply be an excuse for us not to act? We think there are new obstacles between us and our destiny, but these obstacles have always been there and we either see them now or finally accept to face them. Today, therefore, in addition to seeing things clearly, we have the strength and the opportunity to face these obstacles. If these seem insurmountable to us, let us remember that only our internal positioning is responsible for what we create and attract. Those who desire to live, be and do otherwise, those who see clearly in themselves, those who feel motivated to manifest in their daily lives the reality with which they vibrate, these go one step at a time beyond the fears that limit them and begin to implement small actions consistent with what drives them. Heaven helps us all to overcome any obstacles. If we make the choice, if we believe in ourselves, if we persevere, we will obtain, when the time comes, the freedom of Being. How do you feel just a few hours after the Full Moon? Some of you are contacting me in private to share the intensity of what they are going through and what is certain is that things are brewing!
Yes, we are entering the final straight line of the transformation process in matter, in the structures of our body, of our psyche, of human society. This major upheaval coincides with the transit of Pluto which entered the sign of Capricorn in 2008 and which will end in 2023/2024. To find out in which area of your life this process of transformation of structures will act the strongest, refer to the house or houses of your birth chart where are located the 30° of Capricorn. Last straight line therefore because we are in 2021 and that everything that has not been previously transformed will not resist for a very long time. With Pluto, changes are more undergone than chosen in consciousness and no one escapes from what must happen. So what have you started in your life in 2008 and for which you have about two years of transformation before moving on? What, then, began in society in 2008 and which still makes the very foundations of this society move again and again? Hint: the banking and financial crisis of autumn 2008 was the highlight of the global economic crisis of the 2000s. Pluto being a planet with a slow revolution, it is considered to be a social planet, it means that its effects concern as much the totality of individuals as the individuals separated from each other. I remind you that society exists only because it is the sum of several individuals who are the origin of the society they built. That is why it is said that society can be only transformed if each individual is transformed beforehand. Last sweep, then, for the next two years. Those who think that the hardest is behind them will quickly find that no, what we have experienced in the past two years was only the continuation of the introduction of what is on the horizon. For others, the coming period is just another opportunity to take more and more power over themselves, their ability to make choices, to make decisions, to take conscious action in order to acquire real autonomy and internal responsibility. Because after Pluto in Capricorn, the planet of transformation will pass through Aquarius, of which the Master is Uranus, planet of the new, of the unpublished, of humanism, but also of new technologies and of a mind far removed from any emotional excess. Will humans be replaced by machines more than they are already? Where will be the individual freedom that many claim without necessarily being able to manage it? But that is another story... Let us live the present moment by accompanying the changes that we want to see born in the world, because yes, we are indeed, as much as we are, creators of our reality! There is no master if there is no slave, there is no slave if there is no master. Or how to become self-sufficient and responsible in order to interact in a more just and equitable way for both ourselves and the community.
When the Moon will be full, all previously retrograde planets will have resumed their direct march releasing the fruit of our discoveries and reflections, but also our frustrations and other exasperations. Here is a Full Moon under very high voltage! A Full Moon that is located in Aries and which is then tinted with attributes specific to the first zodiac sign: dynamism and creativity as well as fierce independence and impulsiveness. Mars, Master of the sign, is at this moment opposite, in the social sign of Libra. If this position tends to appease a little the ardour of the valiant warrior, his posture in Libra, which seeks to round the angles even if it denies the individual needs to the benefit of the collective, does not allow a real act as well as a tangible harvest of the little that we could possibly succeed in sowing (remember that Libra is a Air sign, connected to the psyche while Aries is a Fire sign, symbol of concrete action and will). As a result, Aries, whose creative power is strongly contained - both literally and figuratively - risks fulminating in an attempt to find or regain a kind of freedom. Here we are making the big gap between the need to express our subjective truth without putting a filter on it and our need to be connected to the Others by being accepted as we are, without judgments or expectations, in one way or the other. And this is what the Full Moon in Aries teaches us: find or regain our autonomy, our independence by ceasing to seek the support or validation of the Other. As you know, the balance is between the two poles. Therefore, if we lean a little too much towards Aries, we may well become more and more reactive, emotional, excitable, milk soup... violent! While if we lean a little too much on the side of Libra, we could develop even more submission, passivity, withdrawal into oneself, negation of our fundamental needs and thus escape into dream and illusion. But for how long? Change is on the way and no one will escape it... This Full Moon touches the axis of I and WE. The previously retrograde planets invited us to introspection. Since their resumption in direct march, what have we discovered, updated, brought back to consciousness? In relation to our relationships, whether they are emotional, friendly, family, social, professional... Something has emerged. Something that we already knew and can no longer deny. Or something that we felt vaguely and that is now valid. What is certain is that these relations can no longer remain as they are. What is certain is that for these relationships to transform, there is something in us that must change, our behaviour, our vision, our personal involvement... What has matured must now take shape in matter and it will take some time. Pluto, who is still in Capricorn for two years, tells us that the transformation will not take place with a snap of the fingers. But the Full Moon in Aries tells us that we are at the dawn of a new era. For ourselves, individually, and for the society we are the creators of. The question is: how will we choose to become personally involved? Before opening a new door, we must first close the door through which we leave. Between these two thresholds, it is necessary to accept to be alone in front of oneself in order to clearly determine, without false pretense, the reality that animates us and the truth that we wish to live on from now.
Being between the two doors is what we have been experiencing for several months and even more strongly what we have been experiencing throughout the previous lunation. With the energy of action on stand-by, did we take the opportunity to choose just as much as to rest and recharge our batteries so that we were ready to open the next door? The New Moon in Libra announces the resumption in direct march of the planets until then retrograde. A new active dynamic is emerging on the horizon and will gradually take shape by the next Full Moon on 20th October. It’s the calm before the storm... If we are obviously all affected by the influence of the planets, it is the four signs composing the cardinal cross that will be most concerned: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The cardinal cross is linked to the will and the energy of action, this famous action that was paused throughout September. But despite this, the Fire element is still absent from this New Moon, it means that if the desire to act is indeed there, we still lack the means to act. Translation: a situation/relationship is being brought to light, thus revealing to us the need to evolve it differently, to review a link, to redefine it differently or to express oneself differently within this situation/relationship, to get more actively involved, to stop accepting certain things passively, to review certain rules/beliefs that had been taken for granted. All areas can be affected, both emotional and socio-professional. I remind you that all the zodiac signs act in our birth chart. Therefore, by updating in which houses the cardinal cross acts in your chart, you will have an indication of the areas that will be most concerned. Mercury adds a layer since its retrogradation on 27th September: communication can be blocked, answers can be delayed, projects can be postponed. The situation will probably emerge from 18th October, when the planet of trade and communication resumes its direct course. For all of us, whether we are aware of the stakes or not, it is indeed a karmic load that comes back as a boomerang would do and that offers us the possibility of definitively breaking with a repetitive pattern to which we had most probably identified. Let us take advantage of this New Moon in Libra to try to establish or restore the fragile balance that underlies the relations between beings. Between us and our interiority first of all, to rediscover our capacity for discernment and to stop blindly following the speeches of one and the other. Then, between us and the others, to concretize new relational alliances based on serenity, respect and autonomy of each one. It is now that we choose the beings who resemble us and make up our tribe together. Human society is changing and the gap is widening between those who want to preserve the old gains, ways of functioning and beliefs and those who aspire to create a more equitable world where everyone would have the freedom to live with dignity, whatever his vision of reality. The New Moon of 6th October is the calm before the storm… a storm that will gradually activate and swell. Let us pursue the purpose we have set for ourselves in order to achieve our objective without fear of the inevitable sacrifices that will have to be made. Something important will soon be born, let us have faith in ourselves, in our ability to protect ourselves and realize ourselves in our truth. A Full Moon in the sign of Pisces. A moon that is full just a few hours before the Autumn Equinox. The energy which is working now started at the Winter Solstice 2020 continues and we have one quarter left before making a first assessment of the individual positioning that everyone chooses to adopt in consciousness to address the new paradigm that Humanity is beginning. (I invite you to also read the article on the Autumn Equinox.)
Spotlight on the energy of the sign of Pisces in this Full Moon of September. As Pisces are a sign of Water, they speak to us in the positive of Universal Love, while in the negative, they reveal to us how capable we are of drowning ourselves, of forgetting ourselves, of covering our faces in this same Universal Love. It is then a question of self-sacrifice, of fusion with the Other, of total loss of autonomy and individual responsibility. During this lunation which is in the perfect continuity of the New Moon of 7th September, Mars - planet of the Masculine - is in Libra - feminine sign, while Venus - planet of the Feminine - is in Scorpio - masculine AND plutonian sign. Mars - lord of war - is therefore invited here to experience gentleness and harmony at the service of peace. In the same time Venus - lady of love - is encouraged to explore with implacable logic the depths of mysteries, of hell, of darkness that is revealed only to seekers of truths. This Full Moon - added by the Autumn Equinox - offers us to seize the key that opens the door to the transmutation of our personal Pisces energy: how will each one renew his mystical emotional energy by coming out of the sacrificial energy initiated and conveyed for 2,000 years by the Pisces Era? In other words: how will each one free his freedom and repair his broken heart in order to be able to love and love himself in all intelligence? Because if the heart opens, Aquarius Era reminds us that it is also important not to overlook the mind. There is therefore no choice between the two, but rather to unite them as Mars unites while developping its feminine polarity while Venus develops its masculine polarity. This is the emotional axis on which the passage from the Pisces Era to the Aquarius Era takes place. The long-awaited moment has finally arrived: HERE AND NOW LET'S TURN THE PAGE!
This is the moment to close the sorting work that began several years ago and accelerated several months ago. Some had undertaken this sorting work into consciousness and welcomed, one step at a time, the revelation of the values that animate them, the recognition of the energies that make them vibrate and the understanding of the need to live in accordance with these values and energies. These people have already chosen the colour they want to paint their existence and they can now rest, because what is happening will not surprise them. For others, those who have followed and still follow - more or less blindly - a choice made and imposed by others, the awakening will be harsh. For all from today - and for the time of this lunation (28 days) - let's breathe a little bit. The period is waiting and patience, but waiting and patience does not mean suffering and giving up. If we feel tired, let's take the opportunity to rest and recharge our batteries, because whatever choices we have made - in agreement or in disagreement with what motivates us personally - the revelations that will be made at the beginning of October, will force us to act in the continuity of our choices: to stop a relationship, to lose a job, to change places of life, to renounce certain habits because we refuse the vaccine or, conversely, to accept more and more constraints and controls. Whatever our choices are, in any case, the time has come to assume them. We can’t have everything, we have to be able to lose to win. At the beginning of November, the actions previously taken earlier in the year to address THE shift that humanity is taking, these actions will begin to take shape in the matter, to materialize. Time is no longer to regret, what has been done has been done and we cannot go back on it. The time has come, however, to accept full responsibility for our actions and the impact they have on our personal lives, on society and on the environment. The only question I ask you then on this day of New Moon is: how do you choose to live the time you have left? Rather than dreaming about what our life would be like in a different world, more peaceful, more equitable, more respectful of each other and the environment, rather than dreaming or hoping, what would happen if we started to embody this dream? To live it every day. To make our lives what we want them to be.
We are all going through a dark period, but where there is the Shadow, however dense it may be, there is also the Light. This Light does not always manifest in the form we expect or know it. And yet, there it is, this famous Light that I prefer to call Consciousness. Personally, I think we are going through a great time. It may be difficult, but it’s great. It’s great because if we can’t get our lives in order, if we can’t make the decisions that are right for us, that make us move toward more respect for ourselves, even then the outer circumstances bring us before the accomplished fact. There is no need to blame these external circumstances, because we have helped to put them in place and because we therefore have our share of responsibility. This is what I like about the present period: we have a big and magnificent opportunity to carry ourselves individually, to grow, to free ourselves from an external authority that is no longer adapted to the evolution towards which most of us tend. I see peolple all around me, close and not so close, dangerously dangling on the flood of their powerful emotions. The illusions built up by their lower mental and not resting on any solid foundation are crumbling one after the other. These people are put in front of themselves, lost, helpless, desperately trying to cling to their chimeras. But chimeras can no longer do anything, they don't have the power to keep them afloat as they did for years. In that case, I would advise those people to stop fighting and agree to let themselves go. Once at the bottom, their instinct will push them to stomp on the ground, propelling them to the surface. No one can know in what dimension each one of us will choose to be born, because it belongs to the experience of each one. There is nothing new in what Humanity is going through today. Life is made up of cycles and we are going through one more. The difference lies in the fact that, thanks to technology, we are more in contact with each other and therefore information circulates faster and easier. But what kind of information? Because if we are more in contact, it's necessary to note that the communication that connects us is often more superficial, less deep; and unconsciously yielding to the powerful energies that stir, anxious information, not passed under the sieve of discernment, do and will certainly do much more ravages. The truth is in each one of us and the time is right to take a break to immerse yourself. I know that this may seem difficult, if not insurmountable, to some, and I would like to remind these people that there are events over which we have no control, no power. The effects of this August Full Moon are part of these events. Our power lies in the inner position we choose to take to live events. Yes, situations are disappearing, but why worry about the disappearance of what no longer needs to be? It is not the loss of someone or something that causes us to suffer, it's the attachment that we have to that person or object or situation. Some attachments are stronger than others and do not blame us for living them, feeling them or suffering them, let us rejoice rather to be able to enjoy them while they are and when they are no longer, let us rejoice still to have known them, then let us continue on our way and choose – with more awareness this time – to pick up the new opportunities we want to experience. Peaceful Full Moon to all. Energy and stubbornness characterize this New Moon in Leo. Excessive energy can go as far as violence (dominant of the element Fire in the theme of this lunation) + stubbornness, because each of us wants to reign in his life, but also on his environment = a fracture more and more marked in relations.
Everyone wants to be the master of their own destiny, but… let us remember that we live in society and that we must inevitably take into account that we are not the only individual who makes decisions. Each one of us is often persuaded that he holds THE truth while he only touches on HIS truth. Man being by nature a social animal, but not all vibrating on the same frequency, what to do? Dilemma... We could then choose to retire alone in our kingdom, without the slightest courtesan, to isolate ourselves, but… many of us have a visceral fear of loneliness and cutting ourselves off from our fellow human beings, is it really the solution? While many are engaged – often very unconsciously – in destroying the old, others are already beginning – often very consciously – to sow the seeds of renewal. But again, not everyone sows the same thing. Some seeds are fertile, as they are natural, and some are sterile, as they are genetically modified. Those who are accustomed to symbolic decryption will understand what I am saying. Let us add that during this New Moon, Mars – planet of Fire and action – is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is Earth, it means service, care for the Other, but also for health and the little things of daily life. The other planetary aspects blocking this action, we must then show great inner strength to resist the bellicose incentives coming from all sides. We have to show a great internal strength not to react to the contradictory information poured out in continuous streams. We must show great inner strength to remain centered and live our truth, without seeking to rally anyone to our cause. This inner force is not violence. This inner force has its roots in Wisdom. A Wisdom that sits in the Heart. The Heart that we are able to contact when we allow external events to pass through us without stopping to give them an importance that they don't really have. You are right in your life experience and the Other is right in his life experience. There is no competition between you and the Other. Only experience exists and there is no one to convince of anything. Do not seek to teach the Other what he should believe or do (according to your point of view), but simply live your truth so that harmony reigns in you and when the world collapses around you, you are already building the next one. Many of us have already chosen this option, feel free to choose, too. A tense and unpredictable Full Moon oscillating between constraints and rebellion, between Saturn who wants to control and Jupiter who wants to be free. The summer will be hot, will it go so far as to become volcanic?
Of course, we are all concerned, so what happens to each of us in our daily lives? What was initiated during the first half of February and is being validated until it takes shape in the material? It could be a some news, an accident, a unilateral decision (by our spouse, our parent, our child, our boss…a government…), it was certainly something that now comes up that forces us to see what needs to be changed. It is useless to resist, it is vain to postpone what must be transformed. By the end of the year, what has been our past will definitely no longer be. Is it not better to let go of what has been and find a creative solution rather than to dwell on the loss of something that will never come back? The current context remains vague, giving pride of place to illusions, deceit and lies of all kinds. Let us stop listening to speeches - whether promising or anxious - and let us focus on the acts that we are doing and that others are doing at this moment, especially since, shortly after mid-October, fine words will inevitably be subject to the law of incarnation, This means that everything initiated in July and August will be revised. On the upside, on the downside, for better or worse, no one can prejudge that right now. It is therefore not the time to start anything new and the period is rather propitious to develop a real internal security by trusting our intuition and/or instinct and by developing ever more confidence in us and in our choices. It is time to get back to basics, to take stock of our life, and the realization of our projects will take place later, in November and December of this year. A word of caution: if we are asked not to take for granted the talks and other speeches coming from our external environment, let us always remember that if the Other can abuse us psychologically, intimidate us or threaten us, we also have the ability to do that. Let's be careful not to abuse our own power over a weaker or more gullible than we are, because in the long run it will backfire. What if we stopped regretting the past and demanding for everything to go back to the way it was? What if we devoted our energy to building a society in which we would like to live and see future generations live? Nothing will be like before then let’s close this old book and open another one in which everything is to be written. |
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May 2022